Keuper Building on a sunny day.

To maintain accreditation with SACSCOC, the university must comply with the standards articulated in the Resource Manual for The Principles of Accreditation: Foundations for Quality Enhancement, and with the policies and procedures of the Commission.

Every ten years, the university seeks reaffirmation of its accreditation by demonstrating compliance with all standards, policies, and procedures of the Commission.  The university continually remains in compliance with all standards.  The next ten-year review will be conducted throughout 2024-2025.

A Fifth-Year Interim Report is due five years after the previous reaffirmation.  In this report, the university is required to make the case for compliance with a subset of the standards.

The entire list of standards is provided below. Those Standards preceded with "CR" indicate core requirements.

Standard Standard Name
CR 1.1 Integrity
CR 2.1 Institutional Mission
CR 3.1.a Degree-Granting Authority
CR 3.1.b Coursework for Degrees
CR 3.1.c Continuous Operation
CR 4.1 Governing Board Characteristics
4.2.a Mission Review
4.2.b Board/Administrative Distinction and Shared Governance
4.2.c CEO Evaluation/Selection
4.2.d Conflict of Interest
4.2.e Board Dismissal
4.2.f External Influence
4.2.g Board Self-Evaluation
4.3 Multi-Level Governance
CR 5.1 Chief Executive Officer
5.2.a CEO Control
5.2.b Control of Intercollegiate Athletics
5.2.c Control of Fund-Raising Activities
5.3 Institution-Related Entities
5.4 Qualified Administrative/Academic Officers
5.5 Personnel Appointment and Evlauation
CR 6.1 Full-Time Faculty
6.2.a Faculty Qualifications
6.2.b Program Faculty
6.2.c Program Coordination
6.3 Faculty Employment and Evaluation
6.4 Academic Freedom
6.5 Faculty Development
CR 7.1 Institutional Planning
7.2 Quality Enhancement Plan
7.3 Administrative Effectiveness
CR 8.1 Student Achievement
8.2.a Student Outcomes: Educational Programs
8.2.b Student Outcomes: General Education
8.2.c Student Outcomes: Academic and Student Services
CR 9.1 Program Content
CR 9.2 Program Length
CR 9.3 General Education Requirements
9.4 Institutional Credits for an Undergraduate Degree
9.5 Institutional Credits for a Graduate/Professional Degree
9.6 Post-Baccalaureate Rigor and Curriculum
9.7 Program Requirements
10.1 Academic Policies
10.2 Public Information
10.3 Archived Information
10.4 Academic Governance
10.5 Admissions Policies and Practices
10.6 Distance and Correspondence Education
10.7 Policies for Awarding Credit
10.8 Evaluating and Awarding External Academic Credit
10.9 Coorperative Academic Agreements
CR 11.1 Library and Learning/Information Resources
11.2 Library and Learning/Information Staff
11.3 Library and Learning/Information Access
CR 12.1 Student Support Services
12.2 Student Support Services Staff
12.3 Student Rights
12.4 Student Complaints
12.5 Student Records
12.6 Student Debt and Financial Literacy
CR 13.1 Financial Resources
CR 13.2 Financial Documents
13.3 Financial Responsibility
13.4 Control of Finances
13.5 Control of Sponsored Research/External Funds
13.6 Federal and State Responsibilities
13.7 Physical Resources
13.8 Institutional Environment
14.1 Publication of Accreditation Status
14.2 Substantive Change
14.3 Comprehensive Institutional Reviews
14.4 Representation to Other Agencies
14.5 Policy Compliance