

Activities and functions performed by CIMBA include:

  1. Engage in structuring and defining technical, social, and policy issues surrounding the development and use of the art and science of innovation and business analytics. Such activities include the production of articles in academic and industry periodicals, seminars on innovation and business analytics topics and sub-topics (including PLM), presentations at industry and academic events, and engaging in dialogue with industry and academic experts.
  2. Develop partnerships with industry to engage undergraduate and graduate students in research projects and case studies into the development and use of innovation and business analytics within industry settings
  3. Develop and deliver executive and technical education.
  4. Develop a library of web-based innovation and business analytics briefing topics, and video presentations describing and framing out issues relevant to innovation and business analytics.
  5. Develop an innovation and business analytics web-based resource center, consisting of research and white papers, innovation briefing topics, innovation presentations, and a collaborative messaging/discussion area, hosted by industry and faculty resources.
  6. Organize executive and managerial seminars and round table sessions with both industry and academia participation, to discuss conceptual, developmental, and implementation issues related to innovation and business analytics.
  7. Assist academic units in understanding, developing, and integrating innovation science and business analytics into undergraduate and graduate courses.
  8. Educate Florida Tech students in innovation and prepare/enable them to become Certified Innovation Professionals via the International Association of Innovation Professionals.